Wednesday 2 December 2015




Dear Friends, Gentlemen and Ladies,

In Rwanda, we have ethnic differences which have escalated than it was before the genocide time; we have the wounded hearts and bodies of our people inflicted by both the genocide generation and the current rule, which cannot be healed by merely passing of time but require justice. We have these regional treaties and bilateral agreements used to persecute those who escaped his jaw and for interfering in internal affairs of other independent states., we have these inventions of economic figures purposely created to win donors' aid and to seek self publicity than improving the lives of our people, we have totalitarian regime which control everyman who was created and endowed with total freedom by his creator who so it fit. But through syndicates of murders and terror directed at our people to instil fear in the whole population, all these has turned our motherland into a maximum prison where no one escapes unless they have called it a day of death; though symbolically looks free to the outside world. We have this poverty which has ragged the whole population and as result creating a material society which is focused on fighting for nothing in the offing, where life cost a penny and this has driven the young generation into shameful behaviour including prostitution and pornography in order to survive. Nonetheless, the oppressor is pleased and happy so long as he has an upper hand as an object of worship for everyone who desperately needs his empathy. Yet this ruler is out and about to rule endlessly unopposed lacks the vision, live alone the skills of governance, while he surrounds himself with the weakest items of individuals of lower thinkers who can only pay homage out of fear and get promoted, clap or nod their heads for a mare puff. Lacking judgement in him, when he sees this fooling, he believes that those who are forced to inhale his puffs in a room without a window and oxygen are actually left with only two options of either to remain inside and bust out of suffocation or bust the roof to attain uncontaminated breath. He does all these things because he is incompetent in all categories and only instilling fear to cling into power with the aid of a clique of mafias made to control armed forces and government, and through propaganda propagated by his personal enterprise now turned national party, the world and some Rwanda alike have fallen into his trap for a grain of pignut like rats.

Foreign aid and money stolen from banks of neighbouring states has been used to lob Rwandans their right to life, to create publicity and attention for himself, better media publicity which cover-up his atrocities though stinking on his skin, while he awards himself trophies to disguise poor Rwandans he is been awarded for best leadership and therefore they need no other. In brief his leadership is characterised by cheap deception to the public world as well as to Rwandans. Recently he forced the whole nation and the world to believe that his appetite to change national constitution and remain into power forever is the will of the people who are threatened to death to oppose or voice their opinions; while the media was granted the licence to serve him as lord.

The Lord God Almighty, the Redeemer and Abba, is at war with this ruthless person, and I too, together with the NPC I represent, we have declared war against this evil tyranny. We call for every Rwandan and friends of great integrity and sound judgement to partner with us in this venture of ending this cheap manipulation. This wickedness we are out to fight and together we shall uproot it!  It shall not prevail because the one who endlessly supply the grace and inspiration from which we draw our carriage to bear this burden on behalf of this suffering humanity, is still on the throne, powerful and just, and above all has commissioned us his task. I am asking for your support, I am asking for your volunteering! If you can protect criminals why can't you save the innocent or serve the course of liberty justice where freedom of man is threatened? If you cannot respond to God's call and cannot save this generation to preserve the next, then what will you tell your creator on the day of judgement?


·         You are busy acting like plunderers, where the one who commands a large following expect to receive unconditional surrender from others.

·         You are busy pressing your selfish ambitions in the same way our enemy does.

·         You are less human who lack true love to our people and our country except for what you want from them.

Some of you are in race against me, yet I am your partner. If I was your rival as some of you assume, I would have overtaken you in those complicated gravel roads in which you are vulnerable. But I chose to be part of the team because those who beat rivals in all competitions end up competing against themselves. There two reasons why people who would have been partners find themselves in unwanted competition.

a)    When you assume that the products of your colleague are superior to yours, and see them feel up shelves quickly in the market to which both of you are merchandiser.

b)    When you have nothing to sell or buy but you always identify yourself with market traders. A good dealer however, should be aware that, much as he cannot control the production, he cannot also control the influx of goods in the market and give in to competition with the knowledge that he needs the competition to keep up with quality standards just in the same way he needs buyers because 'monopoly leads to deficiency'.

I know that most of us come from far in our lives and from so near in our past history to arrive where we are now. As a result, this keeps taxing us of who we really want to be, but all these are matters of heart that can be overcame by applying our best judgements to those things we hold so dear to ourselves.

Therefore, let He be a believer or pagan, today the truth must be revealed to you. The burden which I bear for my people and country is not my own, some of you have been introduced to those crafty ideas which I produce and share from time to time, and perhaps attempted to praise author for them; yet I seek no praise at all, for I own no share in them. I just deliver the inspiration in the way they are dictated to me by the all Powerful, All Knowing, Omniscient God and Abba! Who have seen the suffering of his children in that remote territory and chose to use my resources as well as yours to set the captives free, to lift the heavy burdens pressed upon their shoulders by agent evil one.

I therefore challenge your genius and ingeniousness to go beyond your tribes and political or geographic settings and unite your forces for this good course. For those who doubt whether we will make it, I have seen victory coming not beyond 2017. I have seen our people being happy, free and beginning to reassemble themselves according to the way in which individual conscious dictates. This is true according to the Lord God Almighty; I diligently serve and pay my allegiance to.

TO THE CITIZENS OF OUR COUNTRY: When a government respect the boundaries of your liberty, you have an obligation to respect it back; but if it violates these freedoms, as citizen you should not be bound by its rules. 

TO FELLOW AFRICANS: I am bringing peace and liberty to the most oppressed society on earth. The light to the darkest places in human history. Stop finding the reasons to resist this change or complain about race and racism. Those who sympathise with baggers cannot think they deserve better than the copper coin they donate. Mind you, any food eaten without personal effort is a food of guilt and has certain conditions. We will not silence those who call us names because of our mediocrity or by simply telling them to quite. To shut their mouth for good is to produce more and better than what they can effectively offer this universe to cause them to surrender in defeat. This will lead us to being called the deserving names because without us, they will struggle to coop with life, but so long as we are still receivers of empathy, we shall continue to be slaves to masters of miracles and mercies. Commanding them to silence will be equalled to blasphemy and worth to cost us favour and enough to sentence us to execution. When we accept to continue to be reduced to the status of baggers, we will find ourselves in battle of fighting to achieve the previous status which we lost in complaint than progress.

TO THE PEOPLE THE WORLD: the change which will allow neighbours of Rwanda to sleep and rest from being terrorised by Rwandan regime, which will terminate contracts that has signed between this government and criminals in your countries to deny you peace, though no not supports our efforts, though Rwandan government is opposed to it, this change is no longer an option, but inevitable and eminent.


Richard R. Kayumba



Posted by: Richard Kayumba <>
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