Wednesday 24 August 2016

[] TR: {UAH} Redundancy at KCCA will drive Beti Kamya into conflicts


Frank Mujabi Your analysis below is very very right. M7 is very genius.

De : <> de la part de Frank Mujabi <>
Envoyé : mercredi 24 août 2016 13:50
À :
Objet : Re: {UAH} Redundancy at KCCA will drive Beti Kamya into conflicts


M7's 'evil genius'' is his ability to create a human tragedy, and then pose as a victim, or convince 'the victims ' that it is the fault of someone else.  M7 then offers himself as the solution to the problem.

M7 first used this 'evil ability' in the Amin era when M7 based in TZ, hatched  stories that some men were plotting against Idi Amin, and sent the letters through Wanume Kibedi to Idi Amin.

Most of the people on these lists were the Buganda political elites at the time, who Amin killed, thus depleting especially Buganda, of top  politicians, who would have stood in M7's way to power.

Men like Michael Kawalya, William Kalema, Ben Kiwanuka, Jolly Joe Kiwanuka,  Sebanakita, Serukeera, Dr Sembeguya, Dr Wamala, Buwembo
of UTV, Caxton Njuki,  Lutaaya Mukwenda, Michael Kalimuzo,  Mr & Mrs Bataringaya, Mukombe Mpambara, Oryema of Police, Alex Ojera, Bp Luwum
and many others whose names I was not given.

M7 managed to make Amin kill all his 'obstacles' and for Amin to take all the blame. M7 more or less accepts this in the 1st edition of Mustard Seeds.

Next - the Luweero war. M7 killed a lot of civilians posing as Obote and even collected enough skulls to create a collection. Result ? He won that war , with all the kudos for him.

Next Rwanda - M7 & Kagame massacred thousands of Tutsi's using the Luwero model. All the blame went to the Hutu's, even after the duo had killed Habyarimana and Ndadaye in a plane crash.

Rwanda afforded M7 and Kagame the opportunity of getting to know  the western powers US/EU,  who the 'victim duo'  accused of ignoring the plight of the defenceless Tutsi's.

The Americans and Europeans feeling guilty for not having intervened to save the (exaggerated millions) of Tutsi, symphathised with struggling Rwanda and recognised the heroic and leadership qualities of both Kagame and M7  calling them the 'new breed of African leaders'  .

Next - Kony war. With success in Rwanda, M7 'hijacked' the Kony rebellion
and started killing Acholi people, putting them in camps, meanwhile claiming victim status and getting international symphathy and money.
He failed to get into the anti-moslem (war on terror) bloated budget as be could not make Kony or Acholis to be moslem.

Next  - ADF
Looking to get his hands on the 'US war on terror' budget, M7 created the ficticious ADF group made up of UG moslems.
ADF committed the Bwindi murders, and infiltrated into DRCwith M23.

The fact that moslems in  UG are less than 5% of the population,  ( and 95%of moslems in UG are Baganda) made it impossible for ADF to 'take root'. ( Since all Baganda support M7 ?! )

Next - Somalia
M7's genius was his convincing the US that he is capable of guarding Somalia on their behalf.
I have no knowledge of how Al Shabab started, but it would not surprise me that M7 was part of, or knew of it's birth.

M7 was now in the big money. Right in the US war on terror budget.
He was 'their bastard', and could get away with murder (literally).

The World Cup bomb which killed over 80 people in Kampala, while the AU meeting was on in UG, was meant to show the sacrifice M7 was making on behalf of the US in Somalia.  After the bomb, M7 asked the US to allow UG forces  to attack Al Shabab  in Somalia, but the US declined.

Next - M23, SSudan, Burundi, AU Chairmanship etc, etc.
Next - Losing the coveted position of Headmaster to Uhuru Kenyatta..

Next -Kony He managed to do this by taking over Kony's activities, and killing ( or reported exaggerated numberof deaths

On 24 Aug 2016 09:38, "ssekajja via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) Community" <> wrote:
Mr Nsubuga, right as he maybe, about Kikosi Malomu, forgets one very great contributor to their success in defeating Amin, - the role of Radio Tanzania Dar es Salaam, in puncturing and deflating the ballooned, seemingly impenetrable dictatorial façade, and madness, that hung over the people of Uganda, as an enduring dark cloud.
My brother used to tell me stories of how, during the early days of the Tanzania-Uganda war, they used to listen to the radio's propaganda in the dead of night, with ears right on the radios, fearing the dictator's hatchet men  could be out listening, to catch those tuning in to the radio, and rush them off for slaughter.
Understanding that the people causing us this national anguish, are just like any of us, is a good start to stand up to them.
For the Baganda, Museveni is not the legendary Kibuuka Omumbaale, renowned for fighting against the Banyoro from a rainy cloud, showering arrows on them as they run in disarray. Even then, legend has it that when the Banyoro learnt of Kibuuka's supernatural powers, used to torment them from the above, they fired an arrow at the cloud, killing him. He was flown in the cloud back to Buganda, crush landing, on tree (still visible), in Mpigi. 
-----Original Message-----
From: ssekajja via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) Community <>
To: ugandans-at-heart <>
Sent: Wed, 24 Aug 2016 9:35
Subject: Re: {UAH} Redundancy at KCCA will drive Beti Kamya into conflicts

Mr Nsubuga, right as he maybe, about Kikosi Malomu, forgets one very great contributor to their success in defeating Amin, - the role of Radio Tanzania Dar es Salaam, in puncturing and deflating the ballooned, seemingly impenetrable dictatorial façade, and madness, that hung over the people of Uganda, as an enduring dark cloud.
My brother used to tell me stories of how, during the early days of the Tanzania-Uganda war, they used to listen to the radio's propaganda in the dead of night, with ears right on the radios, fearing the dictator's hatchet men  could be out listening, to catch those tuning in to the radio, and rush them off for slaughter.
Understanding that the people causing us this national anguish, are just like any of us, is a good start to stand up to them.
For the Baganda, Museveni is not the legendary Kibuuka Omumbaale, renowned for fighting against the Banyoro from a rainy cloud, showering arrows on them as they run in disarray. Even then, legend has it that when the Banyoro learnt of Kibuuka's supernatural powers, they fired
-----Original Message-----
From: Frank Mujabi <>
To: ugandans-at-heart <>
Sent: Wed, 24 Aug 2016 3:16
Subject: Re: {UAH} Redundancy at KCCA will drive Beti Kamya into conflicts

I think you are right. Demystifying M7's aura of invincibility is more than half the job.
On 23 Aug 2016 23:29, "ssekajja via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) Community" <> wrote:
Mr Nsubuga,

You're almost right, but a little bit not so quite!!!! You see, demystifying the aura of the evil cult associated
 with Museveni, is central to the struggle to reclaim our freedom.


Sent from AOL Mobile Mail

-----Original Message-----
From: 'John Nsubuga' via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) Community <>
To: ugandans-at-heart <>; ugandans-at-heart <>
Sent: Tue, Aug 23, 2016 09:10 AM
Subject: Re: {UAH} Redundancy at KCCA will drive Beti Kamya into conflicts

Ssekajja Mr,

Well, let's say We're talking about two very cleaver devils, (Amin & Museveni), one with a longer tail and clows than the other. To compound my argument, the proof was in the pudding then, considering the prudent planning put into overthrowing Amin by Kikosi Molamu. 

Getting rid of Museveni requires twice that kind of reflectiveness, and not this road side small talking being peddled on UAH. 

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Monday, August 22, 2016, 23:17, ssekajja via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) Community <> wrote:
So because a man seizes guns and overthrows another man, that makes him more intelligent/ clever than the deposed!! What is evident in your 2 men, that which sets them apart from the other presidents of Uganda is not cleverness or intelligence, per se, (which in both cases is just about average), but their ability to terrorise the population.
We know for certain that Amin and Museveni (the 2 longest serving rulers of Uganda) achieved this not because they are cleverer than any average Ugandan, but because of the power of the gun.
Am I looking at the oxymoron of a clever dictator!!!!!
-----Original Message-----
From: 'John Nsubuga' via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) Community <>
To: ugandans-at-heart <>
Sent: Mon, 22 Aug 2016 22:39
Subject: Re: {UAH} Redundancy at KCCA will drive Beti Kamya into conflicts

Our Ssekajja never dissappoints. Let's first equip ourselves with the meaning / definition of the word "CLEVER".  At a micro level of understanding, there is no correlation between being clever and lasting longer in power. Obviously very pedestrian, how else did Amin plan and execute the overthrow of his boss Obote if it wasn't for his cleverness / intelligence? 

How else did Lule manage to last that long in power from 3 April - 20 June 1979, if it wasn't for his cleverness given the hideous political landscape at the time? 

Let us know which clever you're referring to....!! The long mile dictionary defines "Clever" as: 
1 especially British English able to learn and understand things quickly [= intelligent; = smart AmE]
a clever man
very/extremely/quite/pretty etc clever
Lucy is quite clever and does well at school.
2 able to use your intelligence to get what you want, especially in a slightly dishonest way: 
a clever lawyer's tricks
3 especially British English skilful at doing a particular thing: 
Bill's very clever with his hands.
his clever ball control
clever at doing something
He was clever at finding bargains.
4 done or made in an unusual or interesting way that is very effective: 
What a clever little gadget!
a clever marketing strategy
5 British English spoken used jokingly when someone has done something silly or stupid: 
'When I got to the library I found I'd left the books at home.' 'That was clever!'

 clever clogs/dick

British English spokenused to describe someone who is annoying because they are always right or always think they are right

 be too clever by half

British Englishspoken to be clever, and to show that you are clever in a way that annoys other people

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Monday, August 22, 2016, 21:31, ssekajja via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) Community <> wrote:
We can be 100% positive that there's no mutual relationship between cleverness and longevity in power, in the context of African politics. What we are sure of, is that an average brain with a knack for brutality, may stretch his incumbency for as long as those opposed can put up with it.
Can it be true that because Amin was ruler of Uganda for 8 years, he was more clever than Lule, who couldn't even pull off a mere one month and half in the seat!!!!! Oh boy, oh boy, come to think about it,  Amin was clever than Obote, Binaisa, Lule and Lutwa combined!!!!
Let be a little bit serious!!!
-----Original Message-----
From: 'John Nsubuga' via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) Community <>
To: ugandans-at-heart <>; ugandans-at-heart <>
Sent: Mon, 22 Aug 2016 20:39
Subject: Re: {UAH} Redundancy at KCCA will drive Beti Kamya into conflicts

Ocen, that is what I keep on telling these brothers. They should stop deluding themselves trying to spit at the sky. It's a bad dream. Museveni is not in the same league as your former presidents combined, he's very many classes ahead. 

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Monday, August 22, 2016, 20:24, <> wrote:

Any man or woman who sustains their power for over 30 years, cannot be described as not being clever‎.

The moment you view him/her as such and underestimate their abilities, you will always lose against them.


Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: Frank Mujabi
Sent: Monday, August 22, 2016 14:46
Reply To:
Subject: Re: {UAH} Redundancy at KCCA will drive Beti Kamya into conflicts

You seem to have serious lapses in your memory of UG politics. But that apart, do not be sure that Lukwago, Beti and Musisi are stupid.
On 22 Aug 2016 15:13, "john kwitonda" <> wrote:
HE HAS NEVER BEEN CLEVER AT ALL. using intimidation and eliminating yr opponents doesnt make one clever. he uses the two basic tools of the 19 century Russia. fear and information. north korea still uses those two

On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 12:56 PM, ssekajja via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) Community <ugandans-at-heart@> wrote:
Mwami Ssendiwala,
I don't count Museveni among the clever presidents we have had in Uganda. On the contrary, he is reminds me of the incompetent Idi Amin, but just a little bit more heartless, extremely unpatriotic and selfish. Let's not be fooled, that the disbanding of co-operatives was a lapse in socioeconomic judgement. Nooooooo, no, no, no, not at all, this was a deliberate attempt to break the economic backbone of the people, so as to impoverish them,  making them economically defenseless.  Poverty was a policy, to control the population. Poor people are easier to control, unable to organize themselves and fight back against the injustices of the cruel and corrupt state.
And you see, Museveni "is running around dishing out hundreds of millions of shillings to saccos", not out of economic providence, in the hope that this will draw the millions of Ugandans out of chronic poverty, but as a continuation of his poverty policy, i.e., providing financial assistance, to impoverished people and in so doing ingratiating himself with them as their carer, Godparent, father-figure and "Dear leader".
He seems interested to talk about the reinstatement of co-operatives (just as a talk), because that idea is trumpeted by Dr Aggrey Kiyingi, who is challenging for the position of president position.
And if he was really serious with putting up co-operatives, again, he would have started straight away with tangible plans, rather than continuing to throw money in Saccos. The policy of saccos is not economically substantive, well thought out, and will never draw people out of poverty.
-----Original Message-----
From: 'George Ssendiwala' via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) Community <ugandans-at-heart@googlegroup>
To: ugandans-at-heart <ugandans-at-heart@googlegroup>
Sent: Fri, 19 Aug 2016 15:07
Subject: Re: {UAH} Redundancy at KCCA will drive Beti Kamya into conflicts

M7 could be a daredevil political schemer but he is not the genius you imagine him to be. Most of the kampala governance ideas came from those chaps who spend nights at the gates of state house waiting to 'advise' him.
and so many other crudely assembled M7 directives have come from these hangers-on right from the beginning. Remember the decision to disband co-operatives? foolish as it was, thirty years later the president is running around dishing out hundreds of millions of shillings to saccos, some innexistent, in a desperate move to reinstate what co-operatives were doing. a fool full circle we have ridden.
do not be surprised to see kampala back to the same old order of governance soon.

From: ssekajja via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) Community <ugandans-at-heart@googlegroup>
To: ugandans-at-heart@googlegroups .com
Sent: Friday, August 19, 2016 4:29 PM
Subject: Re: {UAH} Redundancy at KCCA will drive Beti Kamya into conflicts

Museveni's political understanding, grounded in autocracy, is warped with trying to continually create a sense of his individual legitimacy where his power is challenged. He employs all distortive and corrupt measures to create "kavuyo" (chaos), which he exploits to his individual advantage.
The three "stooges" on the "Kampala pantomime stage", are naturally destined to create a circus, whereby each (or two) unpurposefully end up stepping on the others' toes, who in turn yelps, - 'my powers are trespassed upon'.      
For the beneficiaries of the systemic national corruption, and those with politically undeveloped brains, comes the opportunity to turn the tables on the opposition, from Buganda, saying that, "Museveni has given Kampala to you Baganda, - you have Musisi, Kamya and Lukwago. Now what do want? Get on with it!!"
The truth of the matter is those people (to be exact, Museveni) who created the constitution, deliberately placed Kampala's control in the hands of the dictator, whereby the actions of those politically mandated, by the Kampala voters, have in effect no power whatsoever. That political mandate of the chosen people's mayor is challenged by the overarching power of the "usurper", in the form of the Museveni's two appointments to run Kampala.  
It's all a political charade!!!!!
-----Original Message-----
From: akim odong <>
To: 'kaliro45' via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) Community <ugandans-at-heart@googlegroup>
Sent: Fri, 19 Aug 2016 10:09
Subject: Re: {UAH} Redundancy at KCCA will drive Beti Kamya into conflicts

Hannah Ogwapiti;

All it boils down to is the job spec. Kampala even needs a pope if you asked me. 


FEDBY20/20 Campaign. Supporting federalism as a system of governance in future Uganda.

On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 10:17 PM, 'Hannah Ogwapiti' via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) Community <ugandans-at-heart@googlegroup> wrote:
"Redundancy at KCCA will drive Beti Kamya into tell me Kamya with all her brilliance she is talking about plus a state Minister what is she going to be doing....Kampala doesn't need a substantive Minister....I think the Minister of Local Govt. can supervise KCCA after all the city has its elected leaders and T echinical staff" Miria Matembe
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