Saturday 8 September 2018

[haguruka] Macron et Mushikiwabo: Job Interview de 10 minutes pour le Poste de Secretariat General de l'OIF


Beaucoup de gens  se demandent comment  Le Président Macron a soutenu Louise Mushikwabo  pour le poste de Secrétaire Général d'l'OIF après un entretien unique ( job interview)  de 10 minutes a l'Elysée.  Voici l'origine de ce soutient.

Rwanda, France can't take relationship forward by neglecting genocide history-Mushikiwabo

On 15 March 2018 at 12:51

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and East African Community Affairs who is also the government spokesperson, Louise Mushikiwabo has said that France's new leadership led by President Emmanuel Macron has demonstrated tangible improvement in restoring relationships of both countries contrary to previous leadership which characterized by genocide denial.

Problems in diplomatic relations between Rwanda and France take roots from the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi where French Government sponsored genocidal government and some French soldiers who were in the country under Opération Turquoise, a French-led military operation in Rwanda in 1994 under the mandate of the United Nations participated in the execution of the genocide.

While speaking to the Media on Tuesday, Mushikiwabo said that President Macron has proven the will to restore the relationships.

Mushikiwabo was referring to how Macron met with President Paul Kagame twice since he took office in May last year.

Macron met with Kagame in New York in September 2017 on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly. Both Heads of States also met last week in New Delhi, India on the sidelines of the International Solar Alliance (ISA) Founding Summit.

Mushikiwabo said that under Macron's leadership, there is a need to restore the relations between both countries, contrary to previous leadership which needed to run their relations on the condition that Rwanda keep quiet on France and soldiers' role in the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi, things which she says is impossible.

She said that Rwanda continued to seek good relationship with France; however, they were given conditions that they should neglect history which the country passed through.

"Countries' relationships can't go forward by neglecting the vital part of our history, which is why we always disagree. As you there are people wanting to falsify history by involving in genocide denial and involving in the politics of this country," she said.

Alain Juppé who was France Foreign Affairs Minister since 1993 to 1995 and Prime Minister since 1995 to 1997 is among French politicians who continue to deny the genocide against the Tutsi due to their role when he was in high ranking positions of France during the genocide.


Posted by: Alfred Nganzo <>
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