Thursday 21 April 2016

[] Fw: [uRwanda_rwacu] Rwandan publication says Kagame planned xenophobia in Zambia | Zambian Watchdog


On Thursday, 21 April 2016, 15:05, "JNepo [uRwanda_rwacu]" <> wrote:


Rwandan publication says Kagame planned xenophobia in Zambia

By  on  April 20, 201614 Comments
By NAYUBUHORO Elise, Kigali
All these attacks on the Rwandan Hutu refugees have been organized and executed by the Rwandan High Commission in Zambia in conjunction with the Rwandan Embassy in Tanzania and Kenya.
The Tutsi government here in Kigali has always wanted to forcibly repatriate Rwandan refugees who are hosted by the people of Zambia. The Tutsi RPF government in Kigali has attempted on several occasions to force Rwandan refugees who are mostly from the Bantu tribe of Hutu with no success. The ministry of refugee affairs in Rwanda has made it clear that she want all the Rwandan refugees come back home to this mortuary called Rwanda. In 2013
Bwana Gatsinzi Marcel tried several times to get the Zambian authority expel the Rwandan Hutu refugees but failed. The Kigali Tutsi government managed to promise another Hutu refugee in Congo with better life in Kigali where she was given a the Ministry for Disaster Management and Refugees Affairs (Midmar) in hope that she would convince the Rwandan Hutu refugees to come back to this morgue called Rwanda. However, since she was appointed the minister to repatriate Rwandan refugees, Mrs Seraphine Mukantabana has not succeeded. That is why they have opted to use other cruel means to make sure that this time around they will not fail. So how did all this happen to the point of peace loving Zambian take up machetes and start chopping off helpless necks of Hutu refugees in Zambia? The answer lies here in Gacinya's office in Kigali.
The government of Paul Kagame is very frustrated that even after the brutal attacks on the Rwandan Hutu refugees in Lusaka only 20 Rwandan families living in Zambia have approached the Rwandan High Commission in Lusaka for protection after reports suggested they are targets of xenophobic attacks. According to the information at our disposal, majority of these people who have gone to the Rwanda embassy for protections are those who have been working as the RPF spies in Zambia not real refugees. This has frustrated Kigali especially Col Gacinya who has been working hard to make sure more than 5000 Rwandan refugees living in Zambia are brought back to the mortuary. So how all this has happened?
The process of repatriating Rwandan living in Lusaka is a decade old but has intensified in the recent years after RPF realizing that Hutu refugees in Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe are doing stunningly well due to hard work and businesses that they own in those countries. RPF has been worried that the Rwandan refugees
who are living in Zambia have managed to invest a lot in their children so that they attend best schools in Zambia. Others have managed even to send some of their kids abroad UK, France, Canada, and other European countries so that their children can acquire better opportunities. This did not sit well with the Tutsi government in Kigali that continue to have nightmares about the Hutu rebellion living inside DRC called FDLR. Because of this nightmare, Paul Kagame always thinks that the success of the Rwandan Hutu refugees in Zambia would help FDLR become stronger both economically and psychologically. This is because many families in Zambia went there from DRC. In order to stop that Tutsis in Kigali who are only 14% of all Rwandan population think that by destabilizing the Hutus wherever they are especially in Zambia would weaken FDLR politically, economically, and psychologically. That is why since the beginning of 2013 Paul Kagame under Col. Gacinya made it a priority to make sure all Hutu refugees living in Zambia are brought back to the mortuary.
Most people still remember an article our newspapers Karisimbi Online Group published on 27 August 2015 under the headline called: UHURU KENYATTA SHOULD SAVE NAIROBI FROM BECOMING A HOTBED OF KAGAME ASSASSINS (click here to read it). There was one Captain Olivier who is in charge of all houses rented by the Rwandan RPF to host Kigali spies in Nairobi Kenya. He has also been part of this plan to destabilize country of Zambia in order to have the Zambian authority expel innocent Rwandan Hutu refugees who have made Zambia there home after the Tutsi led government prevented them from living in Rwanda. Cpt Olivier together with Col Faustin TINKA, who is the RPF Defense Attaché in Tanzania Cell-phone: +255752436066, Tel (Off): + 2557 54787835 & +255 222600500, Email: has been working tirelessly to destabilize the region. Before Rwanda fell out with Burundi and Tanzania, these two individuals worked had to smuggle the RPF spies into Tanzania and Burundi via the country of Kenya where the RPF owns about 6 reception houses that host the spies from Kigali on their transit into East and Southern African region.
Through the existing collaboration of the RPF government and the region of Southern Africa which includes the countries of Zambia, Malawi, Madagascar, and the Seychelles, Col Tinka has been disguising under the existence of the Rwanda-Tanzania Friendship Association (RWATAFA) to smuggle spies from Kenya into Zambia. The guy who has been receiving these Rwandan RPF spies is Mr Abel Buhungu, the Charge d'Affaires at the High Commission of Rwanda in Zambia. Currently Rwanda does not have an embassy in Zambia but because of the plans to forcibly repatriate Rwandan Hutus living as refugees in Zambia, the Kigali Tutsi government has been working hard to finalize the process of setting up an embassy in Zambia.
According to our source is that Col Gacinya gave mission Col Tinka from the Rwandan embassy in Tanzania to work closely with Mr Abel Buhungu and identify people who can incite the people of Zambia especially the youth in order to kill Rwandan Hutu refugees and loot their shops. The plan was hatched in Dar es Salam in March to identify few jobless youth in Zambia and pay them so that they can go on rampage killing innocent Zambians and then put it on the head of innocent Rwandan Hutu refugees accusing them of ritual killing. In Rwanda there is only one group which practices a ritual killing, the Tutsi people, especially those close to Kagame's clans. In the recent months they killed even their own relatives such as Karegeya, Ruzibiza, and Rwigara among others who were killed so that RPF can give sacrifices to the Illuminati.
When the plans to destabilize Zambia were finalized the RPF government had invested more than 1 million US dollars to bribe some corrupt Zambian politicians and security apparatus. Another half of the money is supposed to be given to different gangs in Zambia so that they loot and kill Rwandan Hutu refugees in order to strike terror among this innocent people. The one in charge of the command of this operation is Col Gacinya. Mr Abel Buhungu is supervised by Col Tinka to make sure that the operations to destabilize Zambia in order to force Hutu refugees to go back to Rwanda is carried out without the Zambian authority knowing what is going on.
According to the information we have from Kigali last night Mr Abel Buhungu called Col Gacinya to inform him about how the plans are unfolding in Lusaka Zambia and giving him the assurance that the plans are going on accordingly, Mr Abel said this to Col. Gacinya: "Bwana Afande as per now we have been successfully killed eight Zambian people since mid-March. These killings have successfully spread rumours and terror among local people and have successfully believed that these interahamwe are the ones who have killed these people for ritual purpose. You remember, initially we had said that supporting some political figures in Zambia could help us get these interahamwe back to Rwanda but we realized that there were many challenges since many Hutu refugees have intermarried with Zambians others go to the same churches which have strengthened their ties here. However, using the plan B which was to kill local people and put it on the Interhamwe Hutus has worked properly and soon I have launched a campaign to sensitize local people to call their government to expel this people. Once the message has cut across I am going to publish in the media that my government is willing to pay airticket to evacuate our people, which has started being welcomed by many local politicians. "
According to the Zambia Police Spokesperson Charity Munganga Chanda who earlier confirmed the looting of the shops of the Rwandan Hutu refugees to media, Rwandans are being accused of practicing ritual killings. However, the Zambian authorities have not yet understood that all these killings are part of the plans from the RPF government in Kigali so that the Zambian government can expel Rwandan Hutu refugees after so many attempts to try and repatriate them have failed. The Zambian authority remembers well the efforts that the Tutsi government and the UNHCR invested in the plan to make sure that Rwandans mostly Hutus are repatriated. Rwanda was never happy by the decision of the Zambian government to offer Rwandan Hutu refugees residence. To fault that that is why the Kigali government decided to spend $1000000 to destabilize Zambia and expel innocent Rwandan refugees. Here we have to reminder the readers that Rwanda has three distinctive tribes: Hutus 85%, Tutsis 14%, and Twa 1%. Tutsis are arrogant people who don't like to mix with other people nor accept to be ruled through democracy. This is why in 1990s the Tutsi based RPF attacked Rwanda from Uganda with the help of President Museveni of Uganda who is also a Rwandan Tutsi from Kigali and the USA. After 4 years of fighting the Tutsis realized that they were not winning the military war. They decided to kill two Hutu presidents Habyarimana Juvenal of Rwanda and Ntaryamira Cyprian of Burundi who were from peace negotiations in Tanzania as the only way to have a Tutsi rule in Rwanda. Both the US and Paul Kagame knew well that these terrorist act of killing two Hutu presidents could spark the massacre but they went ahead and did it because they only cared about getting power. However, over the years there are Hutu groups that still fight the criminal regime of Kagame in Congo and Tutsis fear that if Rwandan Hutu refugees become financially successful they would support FDLR to bring democracy in Rwanda where every Rwanda feels at home. This is the reasons why Mr. Abel Buhungu is giving money to unruly youth to cause havoc in the country by targeting Rwandan Hutu refugees.
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