Sunday 18 December 2016

[] DR Congo - Strategic for the free world and the planet - at the crissroads | The Huffington Post


DR Congo - Strategic for the free world and the planet - at the crissroads | The Huffington Post

"Joseph Kabila", has been running DRC since 2001 as his personal business (photo cr: red pepper Uganda)

Would America and the international community let one person, "Joseph Kabila" and his family, defy both the Congolese people and the world because they have turned the DRC into a cash-cow as Bloomberg News just revealedinstead of taking whatever billions they accumulated and leave the DRC to others to lead it onto Democracy?

"Joseph Kabila" and the network of his family businesses in DRC since 2003 (photo cr: Getty Images)

Indeed, any knowledgeable person is aware of the strategic importance of the DRC in terms of resources as well as the DRC constituting one-third of the LUNGS of our planet earth; yet, the "Kabila" government has been decimating both.

King Leopold II (photo cr.: garter knight) who personally owned and controlled the Congo (1885-1908)

On horseback between the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries (1885-1908), a great holocaust (over 10 million killed) went on in the then-Congo Independent State (CIS) – today's DRC – the only country, in the annals of colonial history of Africa, to have been "independent" before it became a colony, and while its citizens were neither independent nor colonized but, rather, the entire country was being controlled by ONE individual, King Leopold II of Belgium, whose European agents and their hired Congolese and other African bandits were, in the name and on the behalf of Leopold II, killing, mutilating, raping, and committing incredible and unspeakable atrocities on the Congolese people, crimes which gave birth to the term "crimes against humanity", first used by the father of international investigative journalism, the African-American George Washington William, who spent half-a-year in the Congo investigating these atrocities. The 1998 book, King Leopold's Ghost (366 pages) by Adam Hochschild tells of this unique history of the Congo, so adeptly encapsulated in the subtitle of the book, "a Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa".

For a quick reading, Mark Twain – Mark Twain? Yes, Mark Twain of The Huckleberry Finn – wrote about this Congo holocaust as only he could, in his 1905 booklet (56 pages) titled King Leopold's Soliloquy (get the illustrated copy to acquire the full impact of the subject matter). 

Paul Kagame (photo cr.: New York Times) who admitted to the Washington Post of invading and occupying the DRC... Later, setting up "Joseph Kabila" as his Trojan Horse...

Now, on horseback between the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries (1996-2016), another great holocaust has been going on in the same country, the DRC. As described and so-labelled by two major papers in the world, The Independent of London (2008) and The New York Times (2010). This time around, King Leopold II isn't here. However, an admirer of him, Paul Kagame of Rwanda, admitted to the Washington Post about invading the DRC. An intelligence report has shown also that Kagame was the brains, à la King Leopold II, behind the invasion and the "undercover" occupation of the DRC, as an American short film describes it, and a BBC's investigative documentary expounds on the origin, in Rwanda, of this invasion of the DRC; additionally and finally, a UN Security Council Mapping Report published in 2010 documented the extent of the many crimes – against humanity, war crimes, and crimes of genocide – committed in the DRC.

Now, the Obama administration is nearing its end while in DRC, "Joseph Kabila", who's been running the DRC since 2001, is defying the Congolese Constitution, the Congolese people, and the international community by bombasticly declaring to the Congolese people and the world that he won't leave at the end of his last 2nd term this 19 of December. He is gearing up to kill Congolese people if they dare march on December 19, 2016, as he has done before and as he did it again this past 19th and 20th of September 2016. Already, his forces are blockading all major intersections in Kinshasa and General Bisengimana, the head of the police, has ordered General Kanyama to tell the Congolese people that death awaits them if they decide to protest on December 19th saying, "before you go out on December 19th, make sure you take a look, for the last time, at your family members or their pictures!" Meaning, you might never come back home alive or see their faces anymore.

In addition, the telecommunication services of the DRC have just been ordered to cut all internet and communication services with the outside beginning at 11:30 PM on December 18, 2016. Again, this is one of the ways that these despots control the news so that the outside world won't know or follow whatever crimes and atrocities the government forces inflict on the unarmed populations.

Are America and the international community going to just sit back and watch as "Joseph Kabila" continues to shoot down innocent and unarmed Congolese people just because they are demanding that their constitution be respected? One thing, the UN forces have never stopped the government forces or the "militias" or "rebels" from killing Congolese people, neither have they protected the innocent marchers who have been killed in their presence in Kinshasa or elsewhere in the DRC.

Thus, the strategic importance of the DRC for the world, whether for its people, its resources, or for the environmental survival of the entire planet, does not permit for the developed and democratic world to allow "Joseph Kabila", who, according to the evidence, might not even be a "Kabila" or a Congolese, for him to destroy it and perpetuate himself in power as he has done by NOT allowing presidential elections to take place, in addition to trying a few times to change the Constitution like the dictators of Rwanda, the Republic of Congo, and Burundi did. The DRC is a country apart and "Joseph Kabila" must be shown the exit door by the entire democratic world… 

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